Materials teoria estètica falles experimentals
Materials per a una teoria estètica de les falles experimentals
Romà de la Calle
WDC 2022 / Fallas I + E / Falla Castielfabib - Marqués de Sant Joan / 2022
edition / direction / design / print
400 copies
This volume brings together three essays / three views, which address jointly and gradually - always from the academic field - the complex historical and theoretical relationships established between the creative / productive contexts of art and crafts (ars / métiers), starting from the Enlightenment century, to pass, later, through industrial development, until leading, significantly, in the framework of the current Experimental Fallas, as an outstanding culmination of that fundamental diachronic drift.
Romà de la Calle (Alcoi, 1942)
Professor of Aesthetics and Art Theory at the University of Valencia, he is an essayist, translator and art critic. Degree in Philosophy and Letters and Doctor of Philosophy. He has been director of the University Institute of Creativity and Educational Innovations of the UVEG, president of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Carlos de València and president of the Valencian Association of Art Criticism (AVCA). After his retirement, he was appointed Honorary Professor of the University and has received numerous awards, including the delivery of the Medal of the University of Valencia and the appointment as Doctor Honoris causa by the University Jaume I of Castelló.
Originally published in three parts in the llibrets of the Falla Castielfabib - Marqués de Sant Joan 2018, 2019 and 2020.
The essay was presented on March 31 at the Carme Center for Contemporary Culture, with the author Romà de la Calle who presented the content of the book.
After the presentation, a round table was opened moderated by the architect Merxe Navarro, with the presence of the experimental fallas artists Anna Ruiz Sospedra, Giovanni Nardin, Miguel Hache, Jaume Chornet and Leo Gómez.