Des del casal: creativitat i disseny fallers
Museu Faller / Ajuntament de València / Festes de València / WDC 2022
curated / design
El casal is the clubhouse where Fallas associations, known as las comisiones, meet. It is the premises at the heart of these neighbourhood groups, serving as a base of operations year round. Innovation and tradition may often be found to conflict, yet Las Fallas sits firmly within both. The festival offers an infinite number of creative possibil- ities for design in varied fields. Since ancient times, the associations have forged distinct identities. They have developed crests, mascots and symbols over time, now tinged by modernity. They have also built and decorated meeting spaces to make them comfortable and functional for their needs. They have developed marketing strategies to sell products to finance their festival activities. They have used advertising to publicise their activities. They have used graphic illustration and thoughtful typography in their publications. They have placed fashion, costume, lighting, set design and carpentry at the service of Las Fallas. They have produced, built and paid for grand designs. All these realities, which require a design component to solv of spaces for organization, assembly and celebration that generate neighbourhood and community. They do so by applying or requesting creativity and design with respect to any activity, product or service generated, and continue to show t his great capacity for reinvention, which the festival demands.
“Desde el casal: creatividad y diseño falleros” can be described as research work resulting in an exhibition carried out over the year when Valencia was World Design Capital and aims at fomenting and demonstrating existing or desired creativity in any one of the possible realities offered by the Fallas platform. On this occasion, there is no need to highlight the design in conceiving or building catafalques as this has already been the subject of other research. In fact, while the Fallas generate a broad spectrum of the market for different kinds of designers in different fields, novice or expert, they also help forge the Valencian people’s identity. What’s more, they do so by allowing direct contact and promotion of design by and with people through festive associative movements.
This work includes only some of the more important examples of design in these different realities, to suit the means and resources offered by the “Josep Alarte” exhibition space in the Museu Faller de València. Its three vaulted and appropriately square halls are divided and structured for the sections of this research, to display an array of remarkable objects of design. All of them are inventoried and registered in this catalogue, with an aim to create a functional body of references and a space that offers inspiration and helps share ideas that promote design from the manor house.
1A. The design in the work and coexistence space
1B. Pets with their own style
2A. Collection means: material and graphic aspect
2B. Visual communication criteria
2C. Innovation and fashion at the service of “ninots de falla”
3A. Advertising design
3B. Fallas design and performing arts
3C. El llibret de falla
Curated by
Vicent Borrego
Ricardo Ruíz
Coordination on the museum
Gil-Manuel Hernàndez Martí
Vicenta Expósito
Ricardo Ruíz
Graphic design
In collaboration with Irene Usero
Editorial design
In collaboration with LaGráfica
The project exhibited and inventoried a multitude of objects of different nature and era, but always designed by professionals within the fallera commissions.

“Totes estes realitats, que demanen una component de disseny per a resoldre un problema, naixen des del mateix espai de reunió fallera que és el casal. Així, estos enclavaments constitueixen una xarxa d’espais d’assemblea i celebració que generen barri i comunitat, i ho poden fer aplicant o sol·licitant creativitat i disseny, per tal de no esgotar la capacitat de reinvenció que ha de mantindre la festa fallera” Carlos Galiana_Councilor for Festival Culture of Ayuntamiento de València
“Este catálogo es un ejemplo muy completo y trabajado de todo ese diseño que las comisiones editan año tras año. Recogerlo en una publicación tan sencilla de entender visualmente proyecta esa relación tan potente que existe entre fallas y diseño” Miguel Arraiz_Architect and project manager of Valencia World Design Capital 2022