Sentit del tacte
Sentit del tacte
Falla Plaça Dos de Maig i Voltants / 2021
direction / design / print
450 copies
This book was born during the period of confinement, with the cancellation of the 2020 fallas.
“Sentit del tacte” is a collective travelogue that has passed through all our hands. It is the common place where we have written our own story, a union of voices, hands and handwriting, near and far, that unite us, intertwine us and make us stronger. It is the stone in the road that has meant the irruption of the pandemic, in a cold and distant year in which we have not been able to feel the warmth of human touch.
“Sentit del tacte” will be the tangible legacy of the year we could not be there but dream of returning.
Up to twenty-eight people from different trades and family and work situations of the commission and the people of Paterna, during the context of confinement and quarantine, with empty streets.
Raquel Zursaga, Paula Calatrava, Cristina Gil, Elena Mª López, Ginés Rubio, José Campillo, Juan Antonio Domenech, Juami Tarín, Julio Ojen, Lidia Ruiz, Silvia Lombardero, Manuela Villena, Josevi Martínez, Shaila Ojer, María Sola, Marta Cerdán, Nel·la Barrones, Patricia García, Rafa Giner, Candi Ruiz, Sandra Ferrero, Fco. Javier Martínez, Mª Victoria Carrasco, Pablo Bleda, Carlos del Ojo, Ana Aibar, Carlos Cerdán, José Luis Abellán.
Yess Andrés
Web reading
'Una pedra en el camí' was the motto of the falla. Each one represented the difficulty of the pandemic with a freely chosen stone.
Writing, drawing and calligraphy have a special vital meaning in the career of artist Yess Andrés, who, struggling with Parkinson's, drew the cover letters in a unique way.
The book as an object passed through different hands of the commission, it was the common thread that united us during the time of confinement, in which touching each other was forbidden. It was the place where we could communicate and tell our story of this pandemic and thus take care of each other.
“De puño y letra, y con todo el sentimiento de las vivencias que ha dejado la pandemia. Así es el llibret que acaba de presentar la comisión Dos de Maig de Paterna, como continuación del que publicó en marzo de 2020, antes que la crisis sanitaria obligara a suspender las Fallas” Laura Serna_ Levante EMV journalist.